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Thursday, June 4, 2015

RCs New York City Gallery Show June 13, 2015 11AM-6PM

First off, I’d like to thank Scott for giving me the opportunity to share this invitation with you.  Next Saturday June 13, 2015 I will have a few of my images shown at the Joshua Liner Gallery in New York City as part of Canon’s #FromLightToInk campaign.  As a NYer, born and raised – I can’t begin to explain how exciting and humbling it is to have my work there, if for such a short amount of time.  If you are in the area, I would totally love it if you could stop in.

I also wanted to share with you a little bit about the project – and why I was even happier to participate once I knew the social media involvement in it – not having it be about me.

More Than Just Us

The project came about as a partnership with Canon to have people more familiar with their large format imagePROGRAF printers (if you want to learn more about the imagePROGRAF printers, click here) .  To me, the print really is the final step in the process, and no matter where you do it, you really owe it to yourself to see your image in this final form.  I tend to want to see my images as big as possible.  I feel like it really gives a user the feeling of being wrapped in the process.

Canon’s idea was to create a gallery around the concept of “Embrace” – giving you a very wide latitude of shooting subjects that let you jump in on that as well as show off some work.  To that end, they asked if I would be willing to go and shoot some images and submit some of my earlier work to share in the gallery.

This however was just the start.

They also asked if I would reach out to other Canon shooters as well – asking if they would like to share images they felt would fit in this theme.  I shared the information over social media and many people participated in the project.  Out of the many entries that were submitted, we had the job of bringing these images to two winners.

Erin Monroe:

Erin’s shot of a father and child really took the embrace concept literally and let us step into a touching moment shot perfectly well. The use of black and white really lent to the feeling of the image, and its something that definitely warranted being seen on a much bigger scale.

Rachel Tine:

Rachel’s fine art approach to the subject really made me look at the image over and over again.  The posing of the subject against the lines really drew you in and the overall feel of the piece really gave this classic art feel to it – begging to see it in a bigger scale.  Just great work!

Rachel and Erin will each get to bring a guest and be flown to NYC, put up in a hotel, and get to see their work featured alongside mine on the gallery on June 13.  I loved how we were given the opportunity to reach out to all of you to share in this moment – and I have a greater amount of joy to know that Rachel and Erin both will get to share in that experience.  Your images deserve it!

Join Us

If you are in the NYC area on the 13th, I would really dig it if you came down and said hello.  There will be plenty to see in the gallery beyond my stuff – and the day can serve as both inspiration and an opportunity for me to say thank you to all of you for letting me do what I do.

I really hope to see you there!


from Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider

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