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Friday, October 30, 2015

Last of the Lightroom Holdouts

On my current tour, only one session of the entire day is about post processing. It’s called “Scott’s 7-Point System for Lightroom” and before I start that session, I always ask the crowd for a show of hands to let me know who is already using Lightroom. Doesn’t matter which city, or which country, nearly every single hand goes up in the room. So I then ask, “OK, who is NOT using Lightroom?” and it’s literally just a handful of people out of 300 or 400 photographers in the room.

Usually during the break between classes those folks come up to me to tell me they don’t see the advantage of Lightroom, and to them it just looks like a replacement for the Bridge and Camera Raw, which they’re already using it. It’s hard to really explain how much better Lightroom really, especially workflow why, but I thought this two-part message I got on my Facebook page is kind of eyeopening, and I hope if helps those “last of the Lightroom Holdouts” realize that’s there’s a whole lot more to Lightroom than they realize. Here’s the note:

“…I just purchased your Adobe Lightroom book and I’m trying to decide what to do. I have both Adobe Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC (it came as a package deal), but I can’t decide why I need Lightroom when I’m doing everything I need to do in Photoshop. I’m comfortable with Photoshop so I’m wondering why I should learn how to use lightroom. Am I not understanding something here?? Is Lightroom sort of a professional version of Elements but not quite Photoshop? I just don’t get it. Can you explain this to me? “
Three weeks later, I get this Facebook message from him (I missed his original message, because as I mentioned here before, I rarely if ever have a chance to check the flood of messages that pour in there): Anyway, here’s what he wrote:
“Ok, now I get it. I’m on chapter 8 of your “Lightroom CC for digital photographers” book and I have completely embraced Lightroom. I love it more than Photoshop now. Thanks for your book, it has been a great help.”
 While I’m very grateful he found the book helpful, the bigger thing here is that once he got into it, he went from “…I’m wondering why I should learn how to use Lightroom” to “I have completely embraced Lightroom. I love it more than Photoshop now.” He’s not alone.

I talked with a woman at my San Francisco seminar on Wednesday who said the exact same thing. She just doesn’t understand why she would want to use it, even though she has Lightroom as part of the Adobe $10 a month photography bundle deal. I sent her to an online class I did called “Learn Lightroom CC in One Hour” and after that hour, she’ll be up and running. She might not have that “ah ha!” moment during that one hour…but it’s coming.

Lightroom is something you just have to jump into with both feet, and before you know it you’ll have that moment where it all suddenly just clicks, and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing for many years now. You’ll wish you had gotten on board sooner. It’s like that.

A moving target
This morning I’m just outside of Knoxville, Tennessee doing a keynote presentation at The Great Smoky Mountains Photography Summit, then I’m off to the airport to head to Kansas City. You know what I could use? A day off. LOL!!! No rest for the weary! :)

Hope you all have a great weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday. Hope to share some photos with you then.

P.S. Hey, I’m in the Detroit area next week teaching my all-new Shoot Like a Pro: Reloaded seminar. Hope you can join me there. 

The post Last of the Lightroom Holdouts appeared first on Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider.

from Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider

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